Children Watch Movies Free Porn at Library

Adults sometimes do surreptitiously so as not to get caught watching pornographic movies on his computer. But in a library, all people are free to access porn movies, including small children are not old enough.
A number of computer workstations in the library of the Grand Army Plaza, New York City is actually only intended for adults and adolescents aged 13 years and over. But because the office did not separate, anyone can see the wearer's activity.
Unfortunately, the rules in the library does allow anyone who uses a computer to access pornographic content. As a result, visitors of the children who actually are not allowed to access, get a peek at whether intentional or not.
'Very often I see people accessing pornography at the library. Today, the man next to me flipped through pictures of naked women, "said Julio Sosa, new visitors aged 14 years as quoted by the NY Post on Monday (30 / 5 / 2011).
Even so, the library has denied any misuse of Internet access that can affect the mental and psychiatric children. Although acquitted, the manager claimed no more than 0.5 percent of visitors who access pornographic material.
Angela Montefinise, a library spokeswoman said that officers will also be warned if there are children who peek or even use your own computer to access pornography. But for those who are old enough, there are no restrictions as long as not to disturb others.
Although the United States is known as a liberal state, but the library policy which is still controversy. Among politicians and even threatened to cut off funding if the access to pornography is not controlled.
Meanwhile, as previously written detikHealth, pornography can give bad impact to the psychological development of children not old enough. Children who usually get the planting of politeness norms will be confused when watching porn.
More than that, it is feared that children should play a lot more often so curious and thinking about sex and the like. The worst effects of the fear is if the child tries to experiment, imitate porn scene with her friends.